2025 'Kāuri' The Church, Rāwene, Far North.
2025 'Things are, they do not happen' Adam Art Gallery, University of Victoria.
2025 'Parergon' Olga Gallery, Dunedin.
2026 'Victoria Hospital' He Waka Tuia.
2026 Major Survey exhibition and publication Hocken Gallery, University of Otago.
2024 'In Absentia' with Stephen Bambury, Nadene Milne Gallery, Arrowtown.
2024 'Paper Thin' Te Hikio Museum, Riverton.
2023 'Surfaces' Drive_Thru Gallery, Wellington
2023 'Seen/Scene' He Waka Tuia, Invercargill 
2022 'Golder Cottage' Whirinaki Whare Taonga, Upper Hutt 
2022 'Snow Line' Dunedin School of Art Gallery 
2022 'luminance' Art Attic Gallery, Invercargill
2022 'Aigantighe House' Aigantighe Gallery, Timaru 
2022 'Total Control' Envy6011 Gallery, Wellington
2022 'durham street - as she left' Olga Gallery Dunedin
2021 'Arcade' Raw Gallery, Invercargill
2020 'Artist Portraits 1981-1989' Olga Gallery, Dunedin
2020 'Gossamer' with poetry by Cilla McQueen, Miharo Gallery, Invercargill
2019 'Kaikauhoe Pounamu Taonga o Tauranga Moana' Kowhai Gallery, Tauranga
2018 'Shift' Invercargill Public Art Gallery
2007 'Kaikauhoe' Mark Hutchins Gallery
2007 'Looking for the Subject' City Gallery Wellington
2001 'Lake' Waikato Museum, Hamilton
2000 'River' EIT Gallery, Napier
1999 'Tide' Samuel Marsden, Wellington
1999 'Otatara' Hawkes Bay Museum, Napier
1999 'New Photographs' Brian Queenin Gallery, Wellington
1991 'Voyage Through Time' Hocken Gallery, Dunedin
1991 'Louvre' Southland Museum & Art Gallery, Invercargill
1991 'Louvre' Brooker Gallery, Wellington
1990 'Through Time' Artspace, Auckland
1990 'Portraits' Peter Small Galleries, Christchurch
1990 'Art World 1980-1989' CSA Gallery, Christchurch
1990 'Originals & Replicas' McDougall Art Annex, Christchurch
1990 'Louvre' Fluxus Gallery, Dunedin
1989 'Absence: Presence' Brooker Gallery, Wellington
1989 'Absence: Presence' Jonathan Jenson Gallery, Christchurch
1989 'Excelsior' Marshall Seifert Gallery, Dunedin
1988 'Artist Portraits' Brooker Gallery, Dunedin
1988 'Artist Portraits' Moray Gallery, Dunedin
1988 'Adrienne Martyn Portraits: A Survey 1979-1987' Dunedin Public Art Gallery
1985 'Portraits' Denis Cohn Gallery, Auckland
1982 'Portraits' The Women’s Gallery, Wellington
1982 'Surfaces' Dunedin Public Art Gallery
1982 'Surfaces' Peter Webb Galleries, Auckland
1978 'Photographs' Bosshard Galleries, Dunedin

2023 '21' Whirinaki Whare Taonga
2023 'Unhinged: Opening the door to the Dowse collection', Lower Hutt
2022 'Selwyn Muru: A Life's Work' New Zealand Portrait Gallery
2022 'Foundation' Pea Sea Art, Port Chalmers
2020 'Lost Heads & Hobgoblins' Dowse, Lower Hutt
2019 'Domestic #3' Mokopopaki Gallery, Auckland
2019 'Turn of a Century' Sarjeant Gallery, Whanganui
2018 'This Joyous Chaotic Place' Mokopopaki Gallery, Auckland
2018 'Sisters Communing' Hocken Gallery, Dunedin
2014 'Landmarks' MTG, Napier
2015 'Photography Collected' Te Papa Museum of New Zealand, Wellington
2014 'Available Light' Mahara Gallery, Waikanae, Wellington
2013 'Collection' Auckland Art Gallery
2013 'Available Light' McNamara Gallery, Whanganui
2011 'Art of the Garden' Mahara Gallery, Waikanea, Wellington
2009 '< 3%' Mark Hutchins Gallery, Wellington
2005 'La Luna' Matakana Pictures, Warkworth
2005 'The Amazing Face: Four Centuries of Portraits' Rotorua Museum
2004 'Seeds of Order; Chaos of Rhythms' Anna Bibby Gallery, Auckland
2004 'Dis-located' George Fraser Gallery, Auckland
2003 'Collectively Speaking' Hawkes Bay Exhibition Centre, Hastings
2001 'New Sights New Sites' Te Papa Museum of New Zealand, Wellington
1994 'Group Show' Brooker Gallery, Wellington
1993 'Perspective's' National Art Gallery, Wellington
1993 'Women on Women' Dunedin Public Art Gallery
1992 'I Am' Dunedin Public Art Gallery
1992 'Photography in Dunedin' Carnegie Gallery, Dunedin
1991 'Abstract' Aero Club Gallery, Port Chalmers
1990 'Sarjeant Gallery Photographic Award' Sarjeant Gallery, Whanganui
1990 'Treasures from the Collection' Dunedin Public Art Gallery
1990 'Critic’s Choice' Artis Gallery, Auckland
1990 'From Today Painting is Dead' Shed 11, Wellington
1989 'Exquisite Corpse' Jonathan Jensen Gallery, Christchurch
1988 'Six Women Artists' Jonathan Jensen Gallery, Christchurch
1987 'A Portrait of Law' City Gallery Wellington
1986 'Women Photograph Women' Munich Institute, Munich, Germany
1986 'Acquisitions' Hocken Gallery, Dunedin
1986 'Ritual in New Zealand Photography' National Art Gallery, Wellington
1985 'Still Life' New Vision Gallery, Auckland
1985 'Posing a Threat' National Art Gallery, Wellington
1985 'Recent Arrivals' Auckland Art Gallery
1984 'Acquisitions' Dunedin Public Art Gallery
1983 'New Light' Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney
1983 'Portraits of New Zealanders' Red Metro Gallery, Dunedin
1982 'Nine Artists' Robinson & Brooker Gallery, Christchurch
1982 'Recent Work' Bosshard Galleries, Dunedin
1981 'Stock Works' PhotoForum Gallery, Wellington
1972 'Women by Women' Woman’s House, Sydney